Saturday, October 29, 2011

Things That Shit Up Video Games pt. [something]

I got you, you bastard. I've got you right in my sights. I just have to make a slight adjustment downward.

Wait. Shit. I can't remember if this is one of those games where the control stick goes up to go up or goes down to go down. Fuck. Shit. Okay, I'll try- OH GODDAMN IT!

Who the hell decided that the controls to a sniper rifle scope would be like goddamn airplane controls? How in the hell, in what world does that make any sense?

I hate this shit. Think about it like this: People generally hold a controller one of two ways.

#1: Horizontally, the wire headed directly towards the TV.
#2: Vertically, the wire coming straight up out the top.

If you're holding it vertically, how does it make sense at all? And nobody holds it vertically the other way, with the buttons facing away from the player and the cord going straight toward the floor.

I guess there's an established system for these sorts of things. But that's the same kind of thinking that ended up America being the only place on Earth that uses the goddamn non-metric-system, whatever that's called. The Bald Eagle System?

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