Saturday, October 1, 2011


Interesting little thing that came across my radar the other day.

Randy Sarafan, media artist, has created these little stickers for your personal use. In fact, he's not even selling them. You can find his templates, including directions on how to best print them out, here.

He suggests that you open up your computer (or check online), locate the hard drive, and then place this sticker on the outside. Then, if you need to destroy your hard drive for whatever reason, you can do so within moments with a drill or power saw.

The guy seems to be on the up-and-up, putting forth the idea that maybe you, like him, are a media artist who pissed off the wrong people and need to delete, as in permenently delete, all your shit while someone's busting down your door.

Maybe it smacks of paranoia. But I'm not so sure.

After reading this book and seeing how Kevin Mitnick got fucked over and over again in court because people didn't understand what he was doing or how, it makes you think twice about whether or not someone might twist the contents of your hard drive into "evidence" of some kind.

This makes me sound paranoid on the level of a raving lunatic, but I have to say, what's to stop someone from putting something on your computer sometime between you being arrested and it showing up as Exhibit A?

There's an old saying that people with nothing to hide don't have to worry about their privacy. I call bullshit on that.

Just remember, you have a right to privacy, but nobody is going to protect that right FOR you.

As a quick P.S., how long before people get this shit tattooed on their heads?

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