Thursday, August 11, 2011

World's Biggest Pac Man

Have you ever wanted to play Pac-Man and just felt that it wasn't quite enough of a waste of time?

Thank you, the internet, for World's Biggest Pac-Man.


The gameplay is just like normal Pac-Man except that the little chutes on either side of the main screen (you know, those tunnels you go into that cough you up on the other side of the screen) lead to other mazes.

And the damn thing is humongous. That pink square in the middle-ish region above is the size of one Pac-Man screen, one of these:

The grid is something like 120 interconnected screens of Pac-Man. As if that weren't sickening enough, you can see in the upper-left corner a navigation panel. And in there (this is a really Russian nesting doll thing) is a red square. The area contained within the red square is the 120 squares we're seeing. And that navigation pane goes all over the damn place.

Grand total, 55,000 mazes.

To give you another idea on the size of that, assuming that the maze grid as a whole is square, the width would be about 235 mazes (square root 55,000 is approximately 235) and assuming that it took approximately 5 seconds to cross one maze, it would take about 25 minutes (if you throw in load times and whatnot) just to travel from one side to the other. That's not deviating to eat power pellets, kill or avoid ghosts, or anything else. That's just traveling like a farmer on a combine, harvesting in a straight line.

Pluuuus, if you use the navigation pane, you can create your own maze just as long as it is attached to an existing maze. So it is ever growing.

I haven't had time to take a Pac-Man roadtrip yet, traveling from one side to the other, but I'm going to give it a shot and let you know how it goes.

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