Thursday, August 11, 2011


I know everyone does this, one of those best of the web things. But it turns out that everyone has horrible taste, so I'm doing this myself. I figure this will be my big chance to share the stuff I like online. Being a big chance, I will certainly blow it almost immediately.

Truth be told, the internet has grown to be bigger than the actual world that contains it at this point. Way bigger. If you spent your entire life bumbling around the internet, you'd see a smaller percentage of it than you would using the same technique in the real, analog world.

So why not share some of the good shit out there. These aren't necessarily your Eiffel Towers, your Arcs de Triumph (or whatever that piece of shit is called). You can find that shit on your own.

On the other hand, I find stuff when I find it, so if you've seen it all before cut me some slack. Better yet, start your own damn BOTW blog and I will comment on how I think you have made bad selections. Lol Cats? Really?

For this welcome post, I will share

That's my web site.

The best of the web will get better from there.

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